It is time for some spring cleaning. An update for this website has been long overdue, so it is time to make some changes. Thanks for bearing with me as
December is the time of year many people pause to look back and see where they are and assess their progress to their goals. Do you make personal reflection part
November is diabetes awareness month, and the disease definitely deserves our attention. In the U.S. over 29 million adults are diagnosed with diabetes, but according to the Center for Disease
If you’re struggling with achieving your health goals now is a great time to ask why. What is holding you back from getting where you want to be mentally, physically
Tonight we will be performing a healthy cooking demonstration, and the featured recipe is chipotle "cheese" sauce. I love cheese, and this is a healthy vegan alternative for dipping or
Tomorrow is the 4th of July, which for many of us in America is the height of summer vacation. We visit family, take trips, grill, eat outside, watch fireworks and
Have you ever heard someone be called a “negative Nelly”? This is a person who is always down about everything. He/she never has anything positive to say and rather looks
There are all kinds of New Year’s resolutions made each and every January 1, but unfortunately most of those resolutions are broken or forgotten within the first two to three
Just last week I was at the AAMP&R annual meeting in San Diego. Not only was the weather significantly warmer than the rest of the country, but I also enjoyed
L2: Learn – Lead Dunwoody/Atlanta
Do you want to increase your influence and become a better leader?
L2: Learn – Lead is for leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs and anyone else looking to learn